About Melbourne Property Valuation
What would You Like To Know About Melbourne Property Valuation?
Every valuer is a full and current member of the Australian Property Institute (API) with an unrestricted Certified Practicing Valuer status.
All valuers have a minimum 15 years full time property valuation experience.
Every client and valuation matters, and we take pride in our repeat business from long term clients and word of mouth recommendations.
Whether you have a residential, commercial or industrial property and need a valuation, we will be able to help you.
We provide a wide range of valuations services, and have the experience to provide you with a professional and prompt valuation
The Highest Quality Reports and Advice Is Our Goal
Inspections of properties are undertaken with detailed notes, photos and measurements taken to ensure the highest quality report and advice is provided to you.
Whether you have a residential, commercial or industrial property and need a valuation, we will be able to help you.
We provide a wide range of valuations services, and have the experience to provide you with a professional and prompt valuation.
We pride ourselves on our personal service, and you will be able to speak directly to a valuer prior to engaging our services, and also after the valuation report has been completed if required.
All valuation reports are highly detailed, designed for the purpose required, and exceed any government or institutions requirements.
Reports are sent to clients via email for speed and convenience factors, and we aim to complete most valuation reports within two to three days of a property being inspected.
More complex valuations may require additional time to complete and this will be discussed prior to accepting any instructions.
If you have any questions about Melbourne Property Valuation, or in regards to a property valuation you can call us for an obligation free discussion, or use our online enquiry form and we will promptly respond with a quote and any further information that you require.
To speak directly to a valuer please click to call 1300 134 120,
Or otherwise complete our online enquiry form and we will respond to your enquiry within one hour.
We are excited to announce that we have recently merged with Insight Property Valuations to provide our clients with an even wider range of valuation services and even greater levels of service to our clients
Below (left) is a map of the areas we provide valuation services in. Below (right) is our location.